Latest Site Updates
Latest update: July 28, 2010
IHOD would like to thank everyone for visiting our website. Email IHOD any critique or input you wish to share. The latest site update features:
- Website updates - Rest assured that although the website does not get a regular update, as long as this page is functioning, we are still here! Newcomers are always welcome. Feel free to contact to us if you are interesed in learning more about our group.
FENCON VII - FENCON VII is A fan-operated science fiction, fantasy, literary and filk convenation in the Dallas/Fort Worth area the weekend of September 17-19, 2010 at the Crowne Plaza in Addison, Texas 75001(Guest of Honor: Spider Robinson). Learn more about IHOD and meet some of our gang on the afternoon of September 18, 2010 at Fencon in the video room. Come to Fencon this year and support science, literature, music and local charity!
We hope you enjoy the website! Feel free to comment to us.
Slip Into The Vortex
 ...a jumping off point to some of the most popular Doctor Who websites
- BBC - Cult Television
- The Doctor Who Restoration Team
- Big Finish Productions
- 10th Planet
- Alien Entertainment
- Who North America
- Galaxy 4
- Telos Publishing
- Loose Cannon Productions
- Outpost Gallifey
- Doctor Who: A Brief History Of Time Travel
- The Doctor Who Appreciation Society
- Doctor Who Information Network
- Doctor Who Club of Australia
- Amazon (UK)
- Amazon (US)
- BBC Shop
- DeepDiscountDVD
- Internet Movie Database
Special Thanks
A special thanks go to Steve Hill at the Doctor Who Image Archive for invaluable image resources and to Shannon Patrick Sullivan at Doctor Who: A Brief History of Time (Travel) for equally invaluabe story links and resources. Please visit their fantastic sites!
Doctor Who Image Archive
Doctor Who: A Brief History of Time (Travel)
In the House
Season Five is now complete and we can't wait for the next one! Congratulations to Steven Moffat and the crew for a fantastic job. Congratulations to Matt Smith for being a brilliant Doctor. I was skeptical, but am beginning to warm to this new incarnation. Thank you Russel T. Davies for all you've done to regenerate the series. Here's to the future!
 Official IHOD Message Board...visit our message board! Stay informed. Post your thoughts, questions and comments.
Who News
- BBC New Series News
- Gallifrey Base Forum
About the House
The Intergalatic House Of Daleks, or IHOD, is a Dallas/Fort Worth area based Doctor Who viewing society. Monthly meetings are hosted by various members who graciously open their homes to us. Usually, we view two complete episodes that are chosen at the previous meeting. Occasionally, we will view specials or other related material. We have been in existence since our first meeting, August 16, 1997 when we were simply known as the DFW Doctor Who Club. Soon afterward, we decided to give ourselves a more defined identity and Children of Gallifrey was born. As time passed our membership varied. People came and people went.
Until one fateful day, two members realized that the group that was originally Children of Gallifrey had all moved on(mostly). A meeting was held and the result was IHOD. We continue to promote Doctor Who in the Dallas/Fort Worth area and provide a place for fans to gather, view and share all that is Doctor Who.
Meeting Information
The Intergalactic House of Daleks meets once per month. Meetings are typically held the third Saturday of the month and they usually start at 1:00pm. The meetings are held at various member's homes (to those members who host meeting, our thanks). Most members bring something to drink and/or snack on and everyone usually shares. This is entirely up to the members. No one is required to provide anything.
The entire process of the meeting is very informal (just how we like it). Generally, we talk about whatever is on our minds. Sometimes the conversations stray from the universe of the good doctor, but not to worry. Once we decide to get things started, we will usually discuss any club business first. Then we get the first show started. We usually have a brief intermission between screenings and then go into the second screening. Members are encouraged to stay for both shows, but these meetings tend to run long due to the length of the shows we view. At the end of the second show, we discuss anything else any member wants to bring up and we decide on what to watch at the next meeting.
How To Join!
IHOD welcomes Doctor Who fans to come and join in the fun! We have no dues or fees. All are welcome. For more information about where the next meeting is at and directions, email IHOD(
Past and Future Screenings
- Complete listing of all the original serials of Doctor Who
This section is under revision
This section of the website serves as a log of meeting dates and what we have screened. This record contains as much information as we can remember and will continue to grow over time. Many thanks to Mary Hyde, our original founding fanatic, for her contributions not only to this log, but also for initially organizing this group. (...and there was much rejoicing...)
The listing below is in reverse chronological order so the most current screenings appear at the top of the list. Each entry lists which doctor (regeneration number) is featured, the title of the serial, the season number and the production serial number. If you are a group member and would like to make a suggestion/request for screening, we ask that you review the listing below. Please try and request something that we have not seen in the last 12 months.
Comments or questions? Email IHOD(
This section is under revision
September |
7 |
The Curse of Fenric |
Season 26 Serial 7M |
- |
Open Meeting at FenCon 2004! Only one screening this meeting. |
January |
3 |
Day of the Daleks |
Season 9 Serial KKK |
- |
BBC 40th Anniversary Clips |
Misc. specials and goodies |
December |
- |
T.B.D. |
Season - Serial - |
- |
T.B.D. |
Season - Serial - |
November |
- |
T.B.D. |
Season - Serial - |
- |
T.B.D. |
Season - Serial - |
September |
9 |
The End Of The World |
Season 27 Serial 2 |
9 |
Dalek |
Season 27 Serial 6 |
- |
Open Meeting at FenCon II 2005! Two screenings plus discussion at this meeting. |
This section is under revision